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QNX RTOS in the Cloud for Medical Devices

Streamline medical device software development with QNX® Real-Time Operating System in the cloud.

Empower Medical Device Embedded Software Engineers

Whether you’re developing a new medical device or enhancing an existing one, BlackBerry® QNX is the trusted and verified choice for medical device manufacturers. Our foundational software is time-tested, inherently secure, and purpose-built for embedded systems.

Leverage the power of QNX for your global development needs.

Experience seamless integration of QNX Neutrino® RTOS within a virtual target environment

Develop your medical device software with QNX OS for Safety, certified to IEC 62304 Class C

How Developers Benefit from a Safety-Certified RTOS in the Cloud

In partnership with AWS, QNX RTOS in the Cloud provides a virtual target environment for you to build your next-generation safety-certified medical device. Realize the full potential of global software development and avoid the challenges with building devices on physical hardware, including:

Hardware procurement and associated costs and maintenance

Ensuring hardware compatibility across diverse teams and between development and production environments

Hardware utilization inefficiencies

Environmental, social, and corporate governance carbon reduction policies

How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?

Reduce your dependence on physical hardware for development and testing. With global accessibility, developers worldwide can access the same resources from anywhere, providing a standardized environment to streamline software development. Leverage this optimal solution to build on a real-time operating system to help address your cybersecurity and safety certification needs for medical devices.

Increased Efficiency

Speed up time-to-market with optimized development.

Create a fully testable and embedded-compatible workflow even before target hardware becomes available (support “Shift Left” development)

Minimize developer downtime and automate development, builds, testing, verification, and validation cycles in CI/CD pipelines

Jumpstart development projects by duplicating existing cloud pipelines

Better manage development budgets by paying for exactly the resources being used without up-front expenditures

Better Collaboration

Connect working teams and stakeholders worldwide—both internal and external.

Create targets as a shared and easily replicable environment

Collaboratively work on the same target from different locations

Connect partners and subcontractors with shared integration frameworks and pipelines

Acquire third party resources to complement development (tools, services, data, sensor simulations)

Improved Scalability

Get your team access to the resources they need, when they need them.

Launch one or multiple instances per user and share any number of instances

Configure instances resources to or beyond your technical requirements

Easily onboard new development members by spinning up new duplicate development environments and test targets

Perform distributed work with suppliers and subcontractors

Frequently Asked Questions

Is binary parity achievable?

Embracing our cloud solution liberates you from hardware and emulator constraints. When working on aarch64 development, you can achieve binary parity effortlessly, sidestepping emulators that can act as a performance bottleneck or translation layer.

Does QNX RTOS in the Cloud simplify my development operational processes?

Our cloud solution allows developers to access virtual target environments. It simplifies DevOps, enabling a focus on software without worrying about hardware setup, leading to scalability and streamlined operations.

How can QNX RTOS in the Cloud improve collaboration?

Cloud-based collaboration enables efficient access to shared resources for embedded developers, fostering streamlined teamwork amongst sub-contractors, vendors, and colleagues. This saves time and empowers developers to focus on their work, not process management.