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QNX Training Modules

Choose the Training Modules You Need

If you opt for on-site training, you can choose from our existing courses or design a custom program by selecting the modules you need. To have an instructor help you select from the following modules, contact
Module name Module Description Prerequisites Duration
A Few Important QNX Concepts
Gives a light overview of the QNX OS architecture including basic features such as message passing, microkernel services, scheduling, roles and responsibilities of the process manager and resource managers.
0.5 hours
Adaptive Partitioning Scheduler
(QNX SDP 7.x only)
Learn how to use the QNX® Adaptive Partitioning Scheduler, or APS, to group threads and/or processes into partitions according to their CPU requirements and/or to protect them from CPU starvation. APS is useful for safety and/or hypervisor related products or any product where partitioning the CPU may be needed. We will discuss the architecture of APS, how to add APS to an image, define and understand partitions, critical priorities and bankruptcy. There are hands-on exercises to explore administering APS from both the command line and with the APS API.
QNX® OS Architecture, Building a Boot Image
3.5 hours
Application Profiling
Learn how to use the application profiler in the QNX® Momentics® Tool Suite to profile a single process. Using the profiler, you can pinpoint which parts of your code are consuming the most CPU, at both the function level and the source-line level. You can then use that information to make your code more efficient. Both live and post-mortem profiling are covered.
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
1 hour
Building a QNX Boot/OS Image
A detailed look at building boot images, which contain the binaries that run just after the reset vector. Boot images typically include components such as startup code, the process manager, the kernel, drivers, and a startup script. We also explore various ways to load a boot image onto your target.
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
1 hour
Code Coverage
Determining the effectiveness of a test suite takes work. In this section well see the IDE tools determining how much of your code has actually been executed, broken down to the source line, by your testing.
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
1 hour
Comparing QNX IPC Methods
A quick look at the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various IPC methods supported by QNX with a view to choosing which method(s) to use in your system.
Inter-Process Communication
0.5 hour
Momentics Development Basics (formerly named Compiling and Debugging in QNX SDP 7.x)
This section provides a quick introduction to editing, compiling, running, and debugging your application from the QNX Momentics IDE, giving the minimum needed to do the programming exercises in the programming sections.
Note: This module is a light replacement for the Editing and Compiling and Running and Debugging modules. If you take one of those modules, it isn‘t necessary to take this one.
2 hours
Debugging Memory Problems
Memory problems, such as memory corruption, can often be subtle and uncaught by testing. In this section, we explore the powerful Momentics IDE tools for finding memory corruption, leaks, and excessive memory consumption.
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
2 hours
Editing and Compiling
This section will focus on the code editor in the Momentics IDE, including the many powerful, time-saving features. In addition, we look at how to build code and how the IDE identifies problems with the build.
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
1.5 hours
File System Resource Managers
A discussion on how to write file system resource managers, which are processes that represent data in the form of files or file systems. You will learn to write a resource manager that presents a tar file as a file system.
Writing a Resource Manager
3.5 hours
Further Topics for Resource Managers
Explores the various ways to return from handlers, manage access and modification times, leave clients blocked, use multi-threaded resource managers, implement combine messages, perform unblock handling, receive pulses, and make poll() (or select()) and ionotify() work. Resource manager concepts are reinforced through a variety of hands-on exercises.
Processes, Threads and Synchronization, Introduction to Resource Managers or Writing a Resource Manager
6 hours
High Availability
We start with how QNX architecture lends itself to high availability, then look at how to design applications that take advantage of that architecture. Next, we explore the high availability toolkit in detail, starting with how to use the high availability manager for doing process restart and multistage restart. We then cover the client recovery library, also included in the toolkit, which helps clients to restore broken connections.
QNX OS Architecture
3.5 hours
IDE Basics
Focusing on Eclipse fundamentals, this section provides necessary background for anyone working with the IDE in the QNX® Momentics® Tool Suite. Starting with the central concepts of the IDE, you‘ll become adept at navigation in the IDE and configuring it to suit your personal needs and likes. We then talk about projects, workspaces and the host-target model, introducing various ways to interface to your target. We end with pointing out several preference settings that can make your work easier.
2 hours
Inter-Process Communication
Explores the various methods that the QNX OS provides for allowing two or more processes to exchange information and control. We focus on the QNX message passing that is fundamental to how the QNX OS works, but also examine pulses and shared memory.
Processes, Threads and Synchronization
9 hours
Explores how the QNX OS makes it relatively easy to handle hardware interrupts. We present several approaches to handling interrupts.
Inter-Process Communication (recommended)
2.5 hours
Introduction to Hardware Programming
An introduction to hardware access methods including IO-mapped and memory-mapped IO, allocating DMA-safe memory, and interrupt handling.
1.5 hours
Introduction to Security Policies
(QNX SDP 8.x only)
A short introduction to the use of security policies in securing a QNX system.
QNX OS Architecture
0.5 hours
Covers in detail the I/O aspects of a driver, including how to do port I/O and memory-mapped I/O, how to perform DMA memory configuration, and how to use the PCI API.
1.5 hours
Introduction to Resource Managers
Any process can be a resource manager, and drivers usually are. This section looks at the capabilities of resource managers, including pathname-space resolution, IPC message formats, and general structure. Through a set of exercises we‘ll look at the initialization of a simple resource manager and the handling of read() and write() operations.
Inter-Process Communication
3 hours
I/O Exercises
A collection of challenging exercises that are a must for anyone learning to write device drivers. The exercises used depend on the hardware available. You can choose from:
- VGA Text Mode driver exercise (2.5 hours) You‘ll write an I/O manager that does read()s from, write()s to, and devctl()s for changing the configuration of VGA text mode memory.
- Keyboard driver exercise (1.5 hours) You will write a simple driver that handles x86 keyboard input.
I/O, Introduction to Resource Managers or Writing a Resource Manager
1.5 to 4 hours (depends on depth of exercises, to be agreed with instructor)
Managing C/C++ Projects
(QNX SDP 7.x only)
The basic container for code in the IDE is a project. We cover the two types of projects for C/C++ code: a project where the entire contents and build structure are up to you, and a project with a predefined structure that supports multiple platforms. We cover both header file and project dependencies and discuss how to get code from elsewhere and place it into your projects.
2 hours
Migrating from QNX 7 to QNX 8
This section will examine the changes between QNX Neutrino 7.x RTOS and QNX 8.0 OS. We will look at the core design changes to the QNX Neutrino microkernel including multi-threading the kernel, and the changes to time and interrupt handling, and what this means for the developer. We will also examine application programming and system integration level changes, and discuss ways of maintaining common code. Several hands-on porting exercises are included.
Real-Time Programming for QNX OS course
4 hours
More on Threads and Synchronization
Covers additional issues for anyone who wants to know a lot about threads, including reader/writer locks, once control, and thread local storage.
Processes, Threads and Synchronization
1.5 hours
Multicore Processing
(QNX SDP 7.x only)
Discusses how to configure your application for Multicore, how scheduling works, where ISRs run, and processor affinity. Also examines how to perform synchronization among threads and between threads and ISRs.
QNX OS Architecture
1 hour
QNX supplies a rich set of POSIX IPC methods. This section looks at signals, shared memory, pipes, POSIX message queues, and TCP/IP.
2 hours
QNX® Hypervisor Overview
(QNX SDP 7.x only)
An overview of the QNX Hypervisor and of how your applications make use of it. We cover the types of devices available to your guest OSes, where your guests run, their virtual CPUs, privileges and priorities. We then touch on how guests communicate with each other and/or with the QNX Hypervisor host, and how they can share devices. Next, we introduce how time and interrupts work. Thick and thin designs are then compared, and we finish with safety issues and an overview of the QNX Hypervisor for Safety.
QNX OS Architecture
5 hours
Processes, Threads and Synchronization
Unlike many common legacy RTOSs, the QNX OS executes programs in separate, memory protected, processes. This section touches on how a system design problem can be broken down into separate processes, and how processes are started and terminated. In addition, in this section we‘ll discuss what a thread is, how to start and stop a thread, and how to synchronize resource access via QNX OS and POSIX function calls. Several hands-on lab exercises form a significant component of this section.
QNX OS Architecture
4 hours
QNX OS Architecture
Gives an overview of the QNX OS architecture, covering what the microkernel and the process manager do. We talk about standards, protected address spaces, process/thread model, timing, and scheduling. We also introduce various types of IPC, synchronization, what a resource manager is and where shared objects fit in.
4.5 hours
QNX OS Programming Basics
A review of basic programming topics for the QNX OS, such as threads, mutexes, message passing, pulses, and timing. This module provides a refresher course to students familiar with QNX programming and offers a good background for other course material. Note: You shouldn’t select this module if you‘re taking other modules that cover the same topics in more detail.
3 hours
QNX Security
We discuss a variety of security topics for the QNXOS, starting with the basics of a microkernel architecture and Unix file permissions. We look at how QNX breaks down root abilities using procmgr abilities, discovering needed abilities, and using security policy to specify these. We delve into specific security features of the QNX OS, including Pathspace Control. And we look at various new optional subsystems such as hashed and encrypted filesystems, and Pathtrust. Several hands-on exercises are included.
QNX OS Architecture
8 hours
Running and Debugging
A look at launching programs with either "run" or from the debugger. We explain the fundamental debugging features, including stepping through code; setting breakpoints; performing post-mortem debugging; attaching to a running process; debugging shared libraries; and examining data.
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
2.5 hours
System Profiling
With system profiling, you can examine your system as a whole to see what‘s going on. Detail is available down to the kernel level. We start by covering what is happening on the kernel side and how to do the necessary setup. Next, we look at how to log the activity through the QNX Momentics IDE, from the command line, or under program control. Then, we look at how to use the IDE‘s system profiling perspective to analyze the resulting data. We finish off with how to insert your own data into logs.
QNX Neutrino OS Architecture,
Inter-Process Communication,
A Few Important QNX Concepts
3.5 to 6 hours (depends on depth of exercises, to be agreed with instructor)
An explanation of how to meet deterministic timing requirements. We discuss timing architecture and how to handle periodic timing, one-shot timing, time-stamping, benchmarking, and timeouts.
Inter-Process Communication (recommended)
3 hours
Writing a character (e.g. serial) driver
We‘ll look at using the QNX io-char library to write a driver for character devices such as serial chipsets that support the RS-232 protocol.
Introduction to Resource Managers
1 hour
Writing a Resource Manager
A look at the capabilities of resource managers, including pathname-space resolution, IPC message formats, and general structure. We provide several exercises, from a very simple resource manager that implements /dev/null to more complex examples that support multiple devices. This module is a superset of Introduction to Resource Managers, and both modules should not be selected together.
QNX OS Architecture, Inter-Process Communication
7 hours
Module Description
A Few Important QNX Concepts
Gives a light overview of the QNX OS architecture including basic features such as message passing, microkernel services, scheduling, roles and responsibilities of the process manager and resource managers.
Adaptive Partitioning Scheduler (QNX SDP 7.x only)
Learn how to use the QNX® Adaptive Partitioning Scheduler, or APS, to group threads and/or processes into partitions according to their CPU requirements and/or to protect them from CPU starvation. APS is useful for safety and/or hypervisor related products or any product where partitioning the CPU may be needed. We will discuss the architecture of APS, how to add APS to an image, define and understand partitions, critical priorities and bankruptcy. There are hands-on exercises to explore administering APS from both the command line and with the APS API.
Application Profiling
Learn how to use the application profiler in the QNX® Momentics® Tool Suite to profile a single process. Using the profiler, you can pinpoint which parts of your code are consuming the most CPU, at both the function level and the source-line level. You can then use that information to make your code more efficient. Both live and post-mortem profiling are covered.
Building a QNX Boot/OS Image
A detailed look at building boot images, which contain the binaries that run just after the reset vector. Boot images typically include components such as startup code, the process manager, the kernel, drivers, and a startup script. We also explore various ways to load a boot image onto your target.
Code Coverage
Determining the effectiveness of a test suite takes work. In this section well see the IDE tools determining how much of your code has actually been executed, broken down to the source line, by your testing.
Comparing QNX IPC Methods
A quick look at the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various IPC methods supported by QNX with a view to choosing which method(s) to use in your system.
Momentics Development Basics (formerly named Compiling and Debugging in QNX SDP 7.x)
This section provides a quick introduction to editing, compiling, running, and debugging your application from the QNX Momentics IDE, giving the minimum needed to do the programming exercises in the programming sections.
Note: This module is a light replacement for the Editing and Compiling and Running and Debugging modules. If you take one of those modules, it isn‘t necessary to take this one.
Debugging Memory Problems
Memory problems, such as memory corruption, can often be subtle and uncaught by testing. In this section, we explore the powerful Momentics IDE tools for finding memory corruption, leaks, and excessive memory consumption.
Editing and Compiling
This section will focus on the code editor in the Momentics IDE, including the many powerful, time-saving features. In addition, we look at how to build code and how the IDE identifies problems with the build.
File System Resource Managers
A discussion on how to write file system resource managers, which are processes that represent data in the form of files or file systems. You will learn to write a resource manager that presents a tar file as a file system.
Further Topics for Resource Managers
Explores the various ways to return from handlers, manage access and modification times, leave clients blocked, use multi-threaded resource managers, implement combine messages, perform unblock handling, receive pulses, and make poll() (or select()) and ionotify() work. Resource manager concepts are reinforced through a variety of hands-on exercises.
High Availability
We start with how QNX architecture lends itself to high availability, then look at how to design applications that take advantage of that architecture. Next, we explore the high availability toolkit in detail, starting with how to use the high availability manager for doing process restart and multistage restart. We then cover the client recovery library, also included in the toolkit, which helps clients to restore broken connections.
IDE Basics
Focusing on Eclipse fundamentals, this section provides necessary background for anyone working with the IDE in the QNX® Momentics® Tool Suite. Starting with the central concepts of the IDE, you‘ll become adept at navigation in the IDE and configuring it to suit your personal needs and likes. We then talk about projects, workspaces and the host-target model, introducing various ways to interface to your target. We end with pointing out several preference settings that can make your work easier.
Inter-Process Communication
Explores the various methods that the QNX OS provides for allowing two or more processes to exchange information and control. We focus on the QNX message passing that is fundamental to how the QNX OS works, but also examine pulses and shared memory.
Explores how the QNX OS makes it relatively easy to handle hardware interrupts. We present several approaches to handling interrupts.
Introduction to Hardware Programming
An introduction to hardware access methods including IO-mapped and memory-mapped IO, allocating DMA-safe memory, and interrupt handling.
Introduction to Security Policies (QNX SDP 8.x only)
A short introduction to the use of security policies in securing a QNX system.
Covers in detail the I/O aspects of a driver, including how to do port I/O and memory-mapped I/O, how to perform DMA memory configuration, and how to use the PCI API.
Introduction to Resource Managers
Any process can be a resource manager, and drivers usually are. This section looks at the capabilities of resource managers, including pathname-space resolution, IPC message formats, and general structure. Through a set of exercises we‘ll look at the initialization of a simple resource manager and the handling of read() and write() operations.
I/O Exercises
A collection of challenging exercises that are a must for anyone learning to write device drivers. The exercises used depend on the hardware available. You can choose from:
- VGA Text Mode driver exercise (2.5 hours) You‘ll write an I/O manager that does read()s from, write()s to, and devctl()s for changing the configuration of VGA text mode memory.
- Keyboard driver exercise (1.5 hours) You will write a simple driver that handles x86 keyboard input.
Managing C/C++ Projects (QNX SDP 7.x only)
The basic container for code in the IDE is a project. We cover the two types of projects for C/C++ code: a project where the entire contents and build structure are up to you, and a project with a predefined structure that supports multiple platforms. We cover both header file and project dependencies and discuss how to get code from elsewhere and place it into your projects.
Migrating from QNX 7 to QNX 8
This section will examine the changes between QNX Neutrino 7.x RTOS and QNX 8.0 OS. We will look at the core design changes to the QNX Neutrino microkernel including multi-threading the kernel, and the changes to time and interrupt handling, and what this means for the developer. We will also examine application programming and system integration level changes, and discuss ways of maintaining common code. Several hands-on porting exercises are included.
More on Threads and Synchronization
Covers additional issues for anyone who wants to know a lot about threads, including reader/writer locks, once control, and thread local storage.
Multicore Processing (QNX SDP 7.x only)
Discusses how to configure your application for Multicore, how scheduling works, where ISRs run, and processor affinity. Also examines how to perform synchronization among threads and between threads and ISRs.
QNX supplies a rich set of POSIX IPC methods. This section looks at signals, shared memory, pipes, POSIX message queues, and TCP/IP.
QNX® Hypervisor Overview (QNX SDP 7.x only)
An overview of the QNX Hypervisor and of how your applications make use of it. We cover the types of devices available to your guest OSes, where your guests run, their virtual CPUs, privileges and priorities. We then touch on how guests communicate with each other and/or with the QNX Hypervisor host, and how they can share devices. Next, we introduce how time and interrupts work. Thick and thin designs are then compared, and we finish with safety issues and an overview of the QNX Hypervisor for Safety.
Processes, Threads and Synchronization
Unlike many common legacy RTOSs, the QNX OS executes programs in separate, memory protected, processes. This section touches on how a system design problem can be broken down into separate processes, and how processes are started and terminated. In addition, in this section we‘ll discuss what a thread is, how to start and stop a thread, and how to synchronize resource access via QNX OS and POSIX function calls. Several hands-on lab exercises form a significant component of this section.
QNX OS Architecture
Gives an overview of the QNX OS architecture, covering what the microkernel and the process manager do. We talk about standards, protected address spaces, process/thread model, timing, and scheduling. We also introduce various types of IPC, synchronization, what a resource manager is and where shared objects fit in.
QNX OS Programming Basics
A review of basic programming topics for the QNX OS, such as threads, mutexes, message passing, pulses, and timing. This module provides a refresher course to students familiar with QNX programming and offers a good background for other course material. Note: You shouldn’t select this module if you‘re taking other modules that cover the same topics in more detail.
QNX Security
We discuss a variety of security topics for the QNXOS, starting with the basics of a microkernel architecture and Unix file permissions. We look at how QNX breaks down root abilities using procmgr abilities, discovering needed abilities, and using security policy to specify these. We delve into specific security features of the QNX OS, including Pathspace Control. And we look at various new optional subsystems such as hashed and encrypted filesystems, and Pathtrust. Several hands-on exercises are included.
Running and Debugging
A look at launching programs with either "run" or from the debugger. We explain the fundamental debugging features, including stepping through code; setting breakpoints; performing post-mortem debugging; attaching to a running process; debugging shared libraries; and examining data.
System Profiling
With system profiling, you can examine your system as a whole to see what‘s going on. Detail is available down to the kernel level. We start by covering what is happening on the kernel side and how to do the necessary setup. Next, we look at how to log the activity through the QNX Momentics IDE, from the command line, or under program control. Then, we look at how to use the IDE‘s system profiling perspective to analyze the resulting data. We finish off with how to insert your own data into logs.
An explanation of how to meet deterministic timing requirements. We discuss timing architecture and how to handle periodic timing, one-shot timing, time-stamping, benchmarking, and timeouts.
Writing a character (e.g. serial) driver
We‘ll look at using the QNX io-char library to write a driver for character devices such as serial chipsets that support the RS-232 protocol.
Writing a Resource Manager
A look at the capabilities of resource managers, including pathname-space resolution, IPC message formats, and general structure. We provide several exercises, from a very simple resource manager that implements /dev/null to more complex examples that support multiple devices. This module is a superset of Introduction to Resource Managers, and both modules should not be selected together.
A Few Important QNX Concepts
Adaptive Partitioning Scheduler (QNX SDP 7.x only)
QNX® OS Architecture, Building a Boot Image
Application Profiling
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
Building a QNX Boot/OS Image
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
Code Coverage
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
Comparing QNX IPC Methods
Inter-Process Communication
Momentics Development Basics (formerly named Compiling and Debugging in QNX SDP 7.x)
Debugging Memory Problems
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
Editing and Compiling
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
File System Resource Managers
Writing a Resource Manager
Further Topics for Resource Managers
Processes, Threads and Synchronization, Introduction to Resource Managers or Writing a Resource Manager
High Availability
QNX OS Architecture
IDE Basics
Inter-Process Communication
Processes, Threads and Synchronization
Inter-Process Communication (recommended)
Introduction to Hardware Programming
Introduction to Security Policies (QNX SDP 8.x only)
QNX OS Architecture
Introduction to Resource Managers
Inter-Process Communication
I/O Exercises
I/O, Introduction to Resource Managers or Writing a Resource Manager
Managing C/C++ Projects (QNX SDP 7.x only)
Migrating from QNX 7 to QNX 8
Real-Time Programming for QNX OS course
More on Threads and Synchronization
Processes, Threads and Synchronization
Multicore Processing (QNX SDP 7.x only)
QNX OS Architecture
QNX® Hypervisor Overview (QNX SDP 7.x only)
QNX OS Architecture
Processes, Threads and Synchronization
QNX OS Architecture
QNX OS Architecture
QNX OS Programming Basics
QNX Security
QNX OS Architecture
Running and Debugging
IDE Basics or Momentics Development Basics
System Profiling
QNX Neutrino OS Architecture,
Inter-Process Communication,
A Few Important QNX Concepts
Inter-Process Communication (recommended)
Writing a character (e.g. serial) driver
Introduction to Resource Managers
Writing a Resource Manager
QNX OS Architecture, Inter-Process Communication
A Few Important QNX Concepts
0.5 hours
Adaptive Partitioning Scheduler (QNX SDP 7.x only)
3.5 hours
Application Profiling
1 hour
Building a QNX Boot/OS Image
1 hour
Code Coverage
1 hour
Comparing QNX IPC Methods
0.5 hour
Momentics Development Basics (formerly named Compiling and Debugging in QNX SDP 7.x)
2 hours
Debugging Memory Problems
2 hours
Editing and Compiling
1.5 hours
File System Resource Managers
3.5 hours
Further Topics for Resource Managers
6 hours
High Availability
3.5 hours
IDE Basics
2 hours
Inter-Process Communication
9 hours
2.5 hours
Introduction to Hardware Programming
1.5 hours
Introduction to Security Policies (QNX SDP 8.x only)
0.5 hours
1.5 hours
Introduction to Resource Managers
3 hours
I/O Exercises
1.5 to 4 hours (depends on depth of exercises, to be agreed with instructor)
Managing C/C++ Projects (QNX SDP 7.x only)
2 hours
Migrating from QNX 7 to QNX 8
4 hours
More on Threads and Synchronization
1.5 hours
Multicore Processing (QNX SDP 7.x only)
1 hour
2 hours
QNX® Hypervisor Overview (QNX SDP 7.x only)
5 hours
Processes, Threads and Synchronization
4 hours
QNX OS Architecture
4.5 hours
QNX OS Programming Basics
3 hours
QNX Security
8 hours
Running and Debugging
2.5 hours
System Profiling
3.5 to 6 hours (depends on depth of exercises, to be agreed with instructor)
3 hours
Writing a character (e.g. serial) driver
1 hour
Writing a Resource Manager
7 hours


All QNX training courses are hands-on, instructor led using real-world examples to give your development team the grounding they need in QNX best practices so that you get the most out of your investment.