QNX OS for Safety
Streamline your products’ functional safety certifications with a microkernel operating system pre-certified specifically for safety-critical embedded systems, and toolchains pre-qualified for building these systems.
QNX Hypervisor for Safety
The QNX® Hypervisor for Safety is the safety-certified variant of the QNX® Hypervisor. With non-safety OSs (Android™, Linux®) contained in QNX Hypervisor for Safety virtual machines, you can focus your certification efforts and funds on certifying only your safety-critical components.
BB QNX Academy
The BlackBerry® QNX® Academy for Functional Safety provides your developers the self-paced training they need to fast-track software innovation efforts and de-risk the product development process for safe and secure embedded systems, complemented with hands-on learning.
QNX OS in the Cloud
QNX® Accelerate is an initiative that lets you develop mission-critical embedded systems based on BlackBerry® QNX® technology. By harnessing the agility, speed, and scale of the cloud, it empowers developers in new ways—enabling better collaboration, increasing development efficiencies, and reducing time-to-market.
40 YEARS as Operating System of Choice For Mission-Critical Embedded Systems
BlackBerry® QNX® software and development tools are standards-based and enable companies to adopt a scalable software platform strategy across product lines and business units.
Medical Device Solutions Guide
BlackBerry® QNX® embedded solutions help medical device manufacturers innovate and rapidly deliver safe, secure medical applications to market.
Robotics and Automation Solutions Guide
BlackBerry® QNX® provides manufacturers of robotic systems with a complete software foundation on which to develop their technologies and expand their businesses.
Rail Solutions Guide
Rail manufacturers and suppliers trust BlackBerry® QNX® for robust, safe and secure embedded system, while saving cost over long product lifecycles.
BlackBerry® Jarvis® 2.0 is a software composition analysis and static application security testing solution that is designed to analyze binaries within complex embedded systems.