Technical Support
QNX is committed to providing customers with exceptional support. Our team consists of developers, engineers, and architects with diverse skill sets who not only provide customer support but also work on our core products. Support is available through a dedicated online portal, person-to-person help lines, a community portal, our knowledge base, and more.
Support to Meet Your Needs
Support Portal
A central hub for information, resources and issue management for all registered support plan customers.
Support Options
Your choice of person-to-person help lines, dedicated technical resources or a customized team of support professionals.
A community portal for source repositories, forums, blogs, wikis and a community bazaar for sharing code and binaries.
New to QNX?
Technical Support Guide
Your first stop for help with setting up your myQNX account, registering your support plan and using the portal.
Quick-Start Guide
An indispensable resource for help with installing and configuring the QNX® Software Development Platform.